Blog | Kids | Washington D.C. | Smithsonian Trip | Family Fun

Washington D.C. | Smithsonian Trip | Family Fun


This August, we found time to take two overnight family trips! This is huge for us, as since we have been a family of five we haven’t been able to make traveling happen as often as I would like, for a multitude of reasons. The first escape was to Virginia, with multiple stops in Washington D.C. – first to measure for a woodworking job, then to experience the newer Air + Space Museum, and finally to the Smithsonian Zoo.

We stopped for a quick tour of the capital, driving by the Washington Monument, catching a glimpse of the Lincoln Memorial and the White House, saw the Red Cross building, the stunning Corcoran gallery (pictured here) and more. The architecture is impressive and there are so many free museums to explore! DC-9764 DC-9767 DC-9766

Our gracious host was my sister-in-law and her beautiful family. Cousins had time to play, we were well fed, and slept so well after leaving the house at a crazy early hour.DC-9773 theo  DC-9780  DC-9787

This Virginia Air + Space museum is stuffed with all kinds of aircraft and has something for everyone to enjoy, except perhaps our 10 year old daughter, who was bored (?). Meanwhile my three year old was crying because he wanted to fly and blast off in a real rocket. Seeing the Enola Gay is a heavy thing. Experiencing the Space shuttle Discovery was bit of a mind blowing experience. Whether you appreciate the history, the engineering, or just the aesthetics, it is worth the trip to the Udvar-Hazy center. The scale of things in that hangar are epic- like the sleek length of the Concorde.

DC-9792 DC-9796 plane with teeth DC-9867  DC-9794 DC-9842 discovery  DC-9800  DC-9816  DC-9830 DC-9814  DC-9813 DC-9815 DC-9822 DC-9887  DC-9827  DC-9834 rockets DC-9808  DC-9857  DC-9874 little butch DC-9862  DC-9863  DC-9878  DC-9880  DC-9885 DC-9865 DC-9887 DC-9849  DC-9889  DC-9890 DC-9909 sparklers papa  DC-9912 sparklers-1

We also hit the playground, the swim club, a cute coffee shop, and played with sparklers and bang snaps while we were there. It was a good 44 hours!

I’ve never been a huge fan of zoos, I always found them sad to see the animals out of their natural habitat. But it seemed like a great option with the small kids – and it was amazing. A male lion got up from his nap and roared – the sounds was incredible. A tiger cooled off by playing in the water. Snakes galore. Elephants. And Lucy the orangutan came over right to the glass and stared directly into my face and checked out the children – I hope I never forget those moments. Apparently, this is Lucy’s specialty: observing the humans. There were misting stations to beat the heat and many thought provoking animal sculptures from the Washed Ashore project made of ocean trash.

DC-9928 washed ashore
lucy DC-9949 DC-9958 panda DC-9990  cousins  roman DC-9985

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